Returns & Refunds


Returns & Refunds


Please inspect your purchases immediately upon receipt. If your purchase is damaged, you must contact us with your original receipt within 7 days from the date of delivery. Claims for replacement will not be accepted after 7 days.

The procedure for returning damaged or faulty items is as follows:

1. Any claim regarding damaged or defective product(s) must be initially made via email to, accompanied by 2 or more photos of the damage. Contact us at +65 6384 6616 once you have emailed the photos.

2. Our team will assess the damage and, if approved, will arrange a replacement or repair (where applicable).

3. If a refund is approved, we will provide a delivery address in our damage assessment report for you to mail the product.

4. For large or fragile items (as determined by D’SOL), we reserve the right to nominate a specialist furniture handler for return transit and pass the delivery cost (up to 15% of the total order value) to the customer.

5. In all cases, the product(s) should be returned strictly unused and adequately packed in the original packaging, with the plastic cover intact to prevent further damage. Please clearly write the original web order number on the packaging.

6. The damaged item(s) must be returned within 14 working days to the address specified in our damage assessment report.

7. The cost of returning the product(s) will be your responsibility, and you must insure the transit of the products. If you would like us to arrange collection of your item, please contact for further information on pricing. D’SOL will not proceed with the refund if the parcel does not reach our designated delivery location, and we are not liable for lost deliveries.

8. Please note that made-to-order, discounted, or sale/clearance items are not eligible for exchange.